Church of the Holy Spirit, Kościół Ducha Świętego, Toruń, Kuyavian-Pomeranian, Poland, Europe



Church of the Holy Spirit, Roman Catholic church in Toruń. Until 1945 the building served as the Lutheran Church, and then passed into the hands of the Jesuit order. It is now run by the Jesuits established Toruń university ministry. The need to build a new temple to the old town of Toruń evangelical community was born as a result of the consequences of religious riots between Catholics and Protestants, which erupted in the city in July 1724 (tumult Thorn). The penalties evangelical community was deprived of his home before the temple - the former church of the Franciscan church. Mary and devotions were held in a cramped room of the Artus Court. After collecting the funds at home and abroad, including in Germany, England and Denmark, where this person went to the senior clergy of Torun, Fr. Christopher Andrew Henry geret City Council announced its competition to develop a draft of the new Temple, as a result of which in 1741 finally selected job Dresden architect Andreas Adam called Bähr. Construction work began two years later, but soon they were interrupted as a result of unfavorable socio-political situation, the construction of the temple began in fact objectionable in wider circles of radical Catholic camp - Catholics treat the issue of creation of a new Lutheran church as a violation of criminal sanctions imposed after the tumult of Torun. In this way, King Augustus III issued a ban on the construction of the church, fearing the outbreak of new sectarian clashes. In 1754 the royal decision is allowed to use the existing foundations of the temple, to the hill house of prayer. This building - not to annoy Catholics - but he could not remind the church, and only a modest middle-class tenement. As the creator of the previous architectural design of the temple was no longer alive, the need arose to find a new architect. It was the young, the 26-year-old builder - coming from Torun Ephraim Schroeger. Developed by the project was approved in 1755, already 18 July 1756 the church was solemnly dedicated. The building work was directed August Konrad Hoffmann. Because in the meantime ran out of funds, fundraiser conducted in Gdansk, Elblag, Malbork and Grudziadz, and because it was not enough, the two-year foreign fundraiser went to Samuel Luther geret. Since 1817, after the union of the Church in Prussia, it was the old-Prussian Union Evangelical Church. Length of the church is 46 m, width 23 m, height of 14 meters housed inside of about 1,300 people, including 500 at emporach. In addition to worship in the German language until 1797 there were also Polish. In a house of prayer bezwieżowego building survived until the end of the nineteenth century While in 1856 the company established the building of the tower, but the meeting went quite sluggish and it was only in 1891, the Berlin Society of Architects issued a contest in which the neo-baroque design selected Hugo Hartung and Carl Schäfer. Finally, a tower height of 64 m was built from 1897 to 1899 according to the project itself Hartung.
Kościół mieści szereg XVIII-wiecznych dzieł sztuki: baldachimowy ołtarz główny autorstwa Efraima Schroegera, z rzeźbami autorstwa Jana Antoniego Langenhahna Starszego
dwa późnobarokowe intarsjowane portale dębowe do zakrystii (1756) ambonę z bogato dekorowanym baldachimem (1759) obraz Chrystus na jeziorze Genezaret, zdobiący podniebienie empory organowej, autorstwa J. S. Neudecka (1759) zegar szafkowy (XVIII w.) rokokowe intarsjowane szafki ścienne chrzcielnica marmurowa -- obecnie kropielnica -- wykonana 1689 dla kościoła Mariackiego późnobarokowe retabulum ołtarzowe, dawniej w zakrystii, być może z prowizorycznej kaplicy w Dworze Artusa freski wokół ambony, który ciągnie się od podstawy filaru aż po samo sklepienie, oraz wokół portalu dębowego do zakrystii. Ponaddto w kościele znajdują się: neobarokowa balustrada komunijna
neobarokowa mensa ołtarzowa ołtarze boczne, Niepokalanego Poczęcia NMP, ufundowany przez toruńskie cechy rzemieślnicze w 1945 r. (Ignacy Zelek) i Świętej Rodziny z 1969 r. (Hanna Brzuszkiewicz). Po przejęciu świątyni przez jezuitów w 1945 r. usunięto z kościoła część wyposażenia (tarcze ze złoconymi gwiazdami na sklepieniu, epitafia burmistrzów Antoniego Gieringa, zm. w 1759 r. i Christiana Klosmanna, zm. w 1774 r.) oraz rozebrano empory w nawach bocznych. Zaginęły portrety pastorów, ewangelickie konfesjonały i płyty nagrobne przeniesione z cmentarza św. Jerzego.
Duża część wyposażenia kościoła uległa zniszczeniu podczas pożaru w maju 1989. Ogień strawił rokokowe organy (1756-1759), dzieło gdańskiego warsztatu Fryderyka Rudolfa Dalitza, znanego z budowy słynnych organów oliwskich, obecnie zrekonstruowane z wykorzystaniem zachowanych fragmentów rzeźb malowidła ścienne (1952-1953) za ołtarzem głównym, autorstwa Jerzego Hoppena, Anny i Leonarda Torwirtów.